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 Meeting Agendas / Minutes

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Open Board Meeting of Directors Agenda - January 8, 2022 - 4:00 pm



Election - November 6, 2021 at 5:00PM

Meeting Minutes - To be posted

Zoom Meeting

Special Called Members Meeting - October 24, 2021 at 1:00PM - Called by 2 Different Petition -

Meeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting

Posted : 10/08/2021 at 12:29 PM - Special Called Members Meeting - October 24, 2021 at 1:00PM - Called by 2 Different Petition - 

Meeting Agenda

Absentee Ballot and Proxy

Zoom Meeting Invite

Posted : 10/5/2021 at  6:06 PM - Annual Board Meeting and Election, November 6, 2021 at 5:00PM

Meeting Agenda

Absentee Ballot and Proxy

Zoom Meeting Invite

Posted : 10/2/2021 at 11:58 AM - Special  Called Members Meeting - October 14, 2021 at 6:30PM - Called by Petition

Meeting Agenda

Absentee Ballot and Proxy

Zoom Meeting Invite

Posted : 09/25/2021 at 5:00PM - Special Open Board Meeting - October 3, 2021 at 1:00PM - Cancelled due to Meeting did not meet 10 day rule stated in by-laws

Meeting Agenda

Absentee Ballot and Proxy

Zoom Meeting Invite

Meeting of the Members - September 17

Meeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting

Open Board Meeting - August 14, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting

Posted : 08/10/21 - Open Board Meeting - August 14, 2021

Meeting Agenda.

Open Board Meeting - July 24, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting

Posted : 07/20/21 - Open Board Meeting - July 24, 2021

Meeting Agenda 

Open Board Meeting - July 12, 2021

Zoom Meeting

Open Board Meeting - June 12, 2021 

Meeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting

Open Board Meeting - March 8, 2020

Meeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting

Special Board Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2021 - 7:00 P.M.

Zoom Meeting

10-08-2020 POA Lien Document

Open Board Meeting - Saturday, December 5, 2020

Meeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting

Board Meeting - Saturday, September 19,2020

Zoom Meeting

Access Passcode: 3tsX1??y

Meeting Handouts:

  • TECQ Violations

  • Tri-County POA Water and Sewer Profit and Loss Statement

  • Texas Workforce Commission - Fiscal Year 2019 Audit Request

  • Tri-County POA Legal and Professional Services Statement

  • Active Employee Payment Information

Open Board Meeting 9-19-2020

On Saturday, September 19, 2020 the Tri-County POA Board held and Open Board Meeting to discuss the following:


  • Discuss TECQ and IRS update

  • Update on the Road Improvements

  • Volunteer Sign-Up Sheets

  • Rebuilding of Committees

  • Upcoming Community Events

  • Discuss Fees that are changing

  • Discuss topics, discussions, and votes of board's previous meeting

  • New policies adopted by the board

  • Announce candidates for the Board.

Special Meeting 8-30-2020

Cindy Morrison called the meeting to order: This is not an open meeting and was called as a courtesy to POA members, and to insure transparency.

The POA has received resignations from the President, Mark Porter, the director Johnna Maertz, and Vice President Dale Porter.

Under the authority granted in article IV, Section 4 of the POA bylaws and under Texas law, the remaining board members will fill the vacancies created by the resignations. We are appointing Mike Crosby to serve out the remainder of Dale Porters term. Dennis seconded this.

Cindy resigned as treasurer.

Dennis Jerkins, appointed Cindy Morrison to serve out the remainder of Mark Porters term. Seconded by Mike Crosby. Dennis Jerkins resigned as secretary.

Mike Crosby appointed Dennis Jerkins to Director. Seconded by Cindy.

Cindy appointed Karen Schilhab to Treasurer. Mike Crosby seconded.

Cindy appointed Matt Riehs to Secretary. Mike seconded.

Appointments are effective immediately.

As for the state of the POA, we are continuing to work with TCEQ, an IRS caseworker, attorney, bookkeeper, and an investigative accountant. We will have further information and updates at our next open meeting scheduled for Saturday, September 12th, 2020 at 1:00pm.


Board of Directors

Minutes from June 29, 2020


President Mark Porter called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm held via conference call.


Board Members

Mark Porter, President

Dale Porter, Vice President

Cindy Morrison, Secretary

Johanna Maertz, Director

Open Forum

1. Utility Sale update, Central State has signed but it will be 12-18 months before sale will be complete. Board plans to continue upkeep and keep things going as best as possible until the sale is complete. Board is hopeful that the sale of the water will help get POA out of debt and able to move forward on improving the community. Cindy has been working with contractors to improve piping and drainage issues in the community.

2. CSI inspections regarding lead were discussed, those were not done properly in the past, but we will attempt to get these reports done on all new builds and previously built homes.

3. Board discussed TCEQ fine of 27 thousand dollars, and are working with the attorney to file an inability to pay, will give update at a later date.

4. New Tractor for POA maintenance: Old tractor which was previously used for shredding the community is in need of an overhaul, will cost too much money to repair. Board proposed the purchase of a new 55 horsepower Mahindra Tractor with accessories to shred, and maintain roads in the community. Mahindra had the best deal and comes with a 7 year warranty will have a 72 month lease at 798/ monthly.

Board voted on tractor, all in favor of tractor, vote was unanimous.

5. Board voted on the purchase of a new access system for gates and piers in the community. Still getting bids and looking for the best system for use around salt water. Looking into an RFID system. Previous board had stated they had purchased system and gates previously, but nothing has been located as of yet.

Board voted, all in favor of new RFID system, vote was unanimous and passed for future purchase.

6. Discussed looking into a grant program like Kaboom, etc. to update and improve the community playground.

Board voted on Kaboom grant, all in favor, vote was unanimous.

7. Board voted on moving Cynthia Morrison to the vacated Treasurer positon which was previously held by Karen Gallaher, and to put Dennis Jerkins in the vacant position of Secretary which was held by Cynthia Morrison.

Board voted unanimously. Cynthia Morrison is now Treasurer, and Dennis Jerkins, Secretary. Elections will be held later this year around October or November, for Vice President, and Secretary positions.

8. Open Questions were held, property owner voiced concern over sex offenders living in the community, and wanted signs put in the yards of said people, property owner was advised the POA cannot do that and that a Texas Judge would have to order that. Board also addressed concerns over unpermitted work and violations on properties around the community. The POA is currently working on violations and cleaning up the community. A property owner voiced concerns regarding dogs not on leashes, Jackson county has no leash law, we ask that our property owners have their dogs on leashes, but unfortunately we have no way to enforce this.

Motion to end at 8:53 p.m.

Summary of Votes

New Mahindra Tractor- All in favor

Kaboom grant for new playground- All in favor

Cynthia Morrison to Treasurer- All in favor

Dennis Jerkins to Secretary- All in favor



Tri-County Point Property Owners Association

May 22, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

Please be advised that the Board of Directors (the “Board”) for Tri-County Point Property Owners Association (the “Association”) intends to conduct a Special Board Meeting May 22nd at 7:00 pm that will be held via teleconference due to COVID-19 regulations on public gatherings. (See Instructions Below)

At the May 22, 2020 Board Meeting, the Board may discuss and/or take formal action concerning the following matters:

At the May 22, 2020 Board Meeting, the Board may discuss and/or take formal action concerning the following matters:

  • The Board intends to review the details of a Purchase Agreement between Central States Water Resources and Tri-County Point POA for the sale of the Tri County Point water and sewer system. This contract has been already reviewed by the POA Attorney and all board members who agree to the terms of the Purchase Agreement will sign after review.

Teleconference Information

  • Dial-in number (701) 802-5170

  • Access code 2876520

All meetings of the Association’s Board of Directors are open to members of the Association subject to the right of the Board to adjourn the Board Meeting and reconvene in closed executive session to consider actions involving: (1) personnel; (2) pending or threatened litigation; (3) contract negotiations; (4) enforcement actions; (5) confidential communications with the Association’s attorney; (6) matters involving the invasion of privacy of individual owners; and/or (7) matters that are to remain confidential by request of the affect parties and agreement of the Board.

Dated: May 22, 2020

Mark Porter, President

Tri-County Point Property Owners Association



Tri-County Point Property Owners Association


February 1, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

The President of The Association, Mark Porter, called a Special Board Meeting of The Tri-County Point Property Owners Association to order at 10:00 a.m. on February 1, 2020, at the Carancahua Community Center, CR 477, Palacios, Texas.

Board Members in Attendance: Mark Porter, Dale Porter, Karen Gallaher, Cindy Morrison.

The Board Of Directors Discussed The Following?

Engage Sandra Witte, attorney at law, as general counsel for the Tri-County Point Property Owners Association and authorize the execution of engagement letter between Sandra Witte of Roberts, Odefey, Witte & Wall, LLP and the Association.

  • Authorize Sandra Witte to:

  • Pursue collection efforts on delinquent accounts;

  • Review issues regarding the water and wastewater system, including but not limited to outstanding fines, current set up and rates;

  • Pursue violation and enforcement actions;

  • Be the Registered Agent of the Association and to file the necessary documentation with the Texas Secretary of State; and

  • Review all filings with the Jackson County Clerk to determine if the Association is in compliance with the provisions of the Texas Property Code.

2. Karen Gallaher made a motion to engage Sandra Witte As the Registered Agent and Attorney for Tri-County Point Property Owners. Cindy Morrison seconded the motion. Dale Porter Vote (I) and Mark Porter Voted (I). A Quorum of the Board was present and the motion passed.

3. Karen Gallaher made a motion to adjourn. Seconded By Dale Porter

Dated: February 1, 2020

Mark Porter, President

Tri-County Point Property Owners Association

MINUTES: Annual Board Meeting


Date: October 26, 2019 Start Time: 10:00 AM Location: Community Center

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10 am

I. Roll Call

Stanley Kazwell, Jim Parker, Dale Porter, Mark Porter

I. Approval of Minutes

Motion made to approve previous minutes made by Jim Parker. 2nd by Dale Porter. All were in favor and the motion passed.

I. New Business

Stanley Kazwell resigned as President and the Board of Directors unanimously elected Mark Porter as the new President.


a. Midge Flies

Members asked the board to see if there were any options for Tri County Point POA to file suit against Ekstrom Aquaculture for the midge fly problem.


a. Utility & Water Supply Corporation

Water leak at water meter at property 176/177 Section 7. Ditches in Section 5.

Water Board Gave Update on the progress of becoming a Water Supply Corporation


a. Financial Report

Board discussed financials. Discussed possibility of an outside accounting person.

Member Comments/Announcements

POA making sure have correct emails and addresses of members. Grader work to begin soon. Grader will work on as many roads as possible for 40 hours.

Members were notified that the Board of Directors would soon be electing a new treasurer and director to replace the vacated positons.


Tri-County Point Property Owner’s Association Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 6:30 pm. It will be held at the Carancahua Community Center.


Midge Flies


Deed Restrictions


Permit Fees


Boat Ramp

Roads and Drainage Fundraising

Community Outreach

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