​Tri-County Point
Property Owners Association

You must submit a complete Application for Approval Package by mailing, emailing or hand delivering to the office at 14 County Road 480, Palacios, TX 77465
Completed applications must be received no later than 1pm on the Monday prior to a scheduled ARC meeting. Meetings are held every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Incomplete packages will be denied.
Only one home and one recreational vehicle shall be permitted on any lot at any one time.
Jackson County Floodplain Determination MUST be included with all Applications. This is required by Jackson County!
No use of a lot without a culvert in place & approval from the Architectural Controls Committee.
Non-compliance fee will be charged.
Please ensure that all required documents are included to avoid denials by the Architectural Controls Committee.
Architectural Controls Committee - arc@tricountypoa.com